What if you knew both your perfections and imperfections are necessary in order for you to navigate your life? Would you like to quiet your mind and / or stop listening to its nagging messages of fear?

Human Design can take you home to the only place you will ever feel comfortable, to the only place you truly belong. Your Personal Roadmap, a path to freedom and peace awaits. Human Design is a map of the self. It’s a guide that allows you to explore your own inner-landscape. Living Your Design (LYD) Life Map uses Human Design as the guiding manual so you can take your first step in finding your way back home to your individual nature.


What Human Design Offers

Human Design can offer you a path to greater fulfillment. It is completely possible to awaken each morning knowing you are safe, confident and ready to face the day, regardless of any challenges. You are DESIGNED to experience success, or satisfaction, or peace, or surprise or combination of those qualities.

Once in awhile we get to glimpse our unique magnificence. But for most, every day life is burdened by everyday doubts, fears and a need to prove oneself. We think we can survive by imitating others but that only increases our doubts, our fears and our unworthiness.

LYD Life Map can be your first step in discovering your unique Design.

Trust that the Universe knows where you live.
— Mary Ann Winger, Human Design
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