The Hermit/Opportunist - 2/4 Profile
Reflections on Living As a 2/4 Profile
A walk, a meander, a stroll with a friend
Ten years into my experiment it is apparent (and a relief) to and for me that profiles are never lived out in the same way as another, even if we have the same birthdate and similar time, and even when born in the same place. Even identical twins are not the same, as Ra has often pointed out in his lectures. But understanding the basics of your Profile provides a solid foundation that can be built upon.
The beauty of HD is in its simple explanation of its mechanics, but the nuances make it more complex. For example, I am a Manifesting Generator, a 2/4 Profile, a Single definition with a strategy of waiting to respond as I listen to my Sacral authority. Simple enough, right? But beneath this very solid foundation there are thousands of things that make me different from anyone, something true for each of us.
I think my 4th line body’s desire to identify with the other can feed into my false mental reasoning that friendship equals sameness. But I have found that trying to be “the same” as someone else is only a mental construct, not based in any reality. It has definitely gotten in my way, creating anxiety, ill health (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual), and lost opportunities for the kind of relationships I long to have. When asked recently by an HD friend to reflect on my 2/4 Profile, it obviously ended up opening a worm hole that I am still following.
For those of you with this Profile, and for those of you who have family or loved ones with this Profile, I hope that my reflection on what it means can be helpful. Being willing to hear another perspective has the potential to open the door to our own personal discoveries and hopefully healthier communications and closer relationships, something that is deeply important to anyone with a 2/4 Profile. Perhaps even more important for any 4th line regardless of their other Profile line.
My personal profile has eight 4th line activations, almost all of them in my Design side of my body graph, which means I do not have conscious access to what that means for me. I can only learn about it through my experiences and my personal chart. And while most of my 4th lines are in my individual circuitry, I also have 8 collective gates. How that has translated in my life is that friendship is important for me, not only with others outside my family but within, and to share my experiences and what I know with my familiar community is part of my life’s expression, for better or worse. Navigating that nuance has been challenging as a Manifesting Generator who is meant to respond.
From my experience of being a 2/4, I find that I am very comfortable being alone and can spend hours in retreat. The second line in my personality makes isolation a safe, natural place to go to, especially when I feel threatened in any way by others or the outside world. I often meet my muse when I am alone, and I am able to tap into my creativity during those times. I also can see what my mind is up to when I write while in that space. A tricky wicket if the not-self mental BS shows up.
So anyone with a 2nd-Profile needs space which can be very confusing to their friends who might want them to engage or socialize. I would encourage anyone who does have a friend or loved one with this Profile not to take their need for retreat personally. It’s hard to know what creates a 2nd line’s need for space or retreat and the motivation to do so depends upon other things in their chart; but as a rule, I would say it’s okay for the 2nd lines to pull back. My 2nd line allows me to separate when I feel threatened or overwhelmed so I can reestablish my grounding and balance. Because five of my seven 2nd lines are part of my personality, I am conscious when that need arises. I have learned to trust that if others feel rejected because of my retreat that in time, and if our friendship is strong, things will work out. Maybe not in the same way, but hopefully better.
As a natural, 2nd line, I simply cannot explain to others how I do things at times, I just know how without knowing why I know how. It can make some people uncomfortable, others jealous, but what to do? When I cook, I rarely measure. When I step into something new, I often dive in and learn as I go. I trust my 2nd line because I have had to depend on it my whole life. Now, when I face an outer authority that insists that I ignore my natural talents or tries to usurp my response in the “now,” my 4th line body steps in and holds its course. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes that’s bad, but most times it is necessary, even at times when my not-self unconsciously drags me into a mess. In the end, it was an important mess I needed to experience so I could learn. Ouch! It is the experiential way!
Fourth lines can be rigid and because I have eight of them, mostly in my individual channels, I can be undeterred. I feel it protects my individuality, something I am here to live out. A 4th line has a strong need to be friends with the people they are close to, but can appear stubborn, deaf and dumb. When misunderstandings lead to unkindness by others, a 4th line can take it into their bodies (especially if they happen to have as many 4th lines as I do in my Design side) and experience illness and health breakdowns. (It could be that an abundance of 4th lines on the Personality side of someone’s mechanics could lead to mental breakdowns, but I am only speculating on this point.) If a 4th line is hard on themselves, it has twice the impact on their bodies. At least I have found that because of where my 4th lines sit in my personal body graph, my health has been impacted over the years. I have experienced everything from chronic fatigue and digestive issues, last year having surgery to remove my gallbladder. A result of a lifetime of mental and emotional pressure from the impact of misunderstandings and painful experiences, all while trying to prove myself.
Because 2/4's tend to be social and draw many friends to them, when operating from their "not-self" they can appear selfish or unfeeling. Taking advantage of opportunities in unhealthy ways may drive others away or create misunderstandings that can take years to untangle. I am learning how to navigate that, but it is not easy for me as a 4th line whose friendships matter.
Too many times in my past I have given up my individuality as a 4th line to keep or gain approval, hoping to stay in the good graces of someone I care about. But at the same time, my 4th line is a taskmaster that never lets me wander to far astray from my mechanics. For anyone with an open Spleen, this becomes equally dangerous because they may remain friends with someone who is not good for them, even abusive. But having an abundance of 4th lines and a defined Spleen can be an asset for any 2/4.
After recently relistening to one of Ra's lectures on the 2/4 Profile I felt a little more compassionate toward myself and others with my profile. Ideally, through retreat and by nurturing our natural talents, 2/4’s can use strategy and authority to offer our gifts and/or insights to our trusted friends, but only out of response (for Generators); via invitation (for Projectors); by informing (for Manifestors); or waiting for the lunar cycle (for Reflectors). My profile for me is like a flashlight in the darkness, allowing me to navigate as I come to accept who I am in this lifetime.
As a Manifesting Generator, when my 2nd line is called, I have the opportunity to take my gifts out to others. Our talents and gifts can only be shared through our network, and we must wait to be called to our purpose. Trusted friendships and familiarity are vital for us. More importantly, kindness is necessary and needed for us to heal, to evolve, to feel valued and nurtured; not kindness just from others but towards ourselves as well.
As I responded to my friend’s inquiry about my insight to my own my Profile, I have become acutely aware of the importance of compassion toward others. We are each, whether we like it or not, tied to our mechanics and to each other. But tied intricately to our mechanics is also the human element that is inseparable. It’s not our feelings that are dangerous, it is what we think about your feelings and how those thoughts motivate us. Until we are unable to let go of our personal version of any story, that mental construct as a 2/4 Profile can be detrimental to our wellbeing. To the wellbeing of anyone really.
This post is more personal because it happens to be my Profile. It is my hope that I am able to objectively share what I know about the other Profiles as time goes on. As you read this and would like to share your insights about your own Profile, please share them with me, so I can share them with others. Together we are better.
What I do know is that my past plays into my present, but the future empty pages are yet to be written. With awareness, and kindness, and compassion for the struggles we each face, the yet to be written story can be a beautiful one. It is an unreasonable and unfair expectation for any of us to think we should practice HD like a concert musician and equally unfair to expect that of others. But we can learn to play our instrument better over time and make music together, especially if doing so is in our own personal and unique mechanics.
Wishing you wellness in body, spirit and mind, and the joy of meeting your Signature each day. In love and friendship.